Thank you for visiting here. I plan to use this space to share insights and resources for the therapy journey, from my personal perspective as both a client and practitioner. Bear in mind therapy is such an individual journey, so this is solely my thoughts. Hopefully, it will prove useful and insightful for you as the therapy process can feel somewhat shrouded in mystery at times. I will be posting more over the coming months.

And, if you’re thinking of starting psychotherapy or counselling - perhaps you are what I call ‘therapy curious’ - I would encourage you to find out as much as you can before you commit. Psychotherapy can be life-changing and help with a number of problems such as anxiety/depression, low self esteem and people pleasing. However, it is a commitment. If you really engage with it (some suggestions on how to do this are on this post here but everyone is different), the process will involve emotionally and financially committing to working on yourself. If you don’t engage with it, then really it will seem like an expensive hobby which I’m sure most people can do without! I have also written a post here on things I wish I knew before choosing a therapist as I had a few false starts! A bit of work before you commit can save you some hassle further down the line.

Best wishes,